McMurdo is melting
For the past 3 days the afternoon temperatures have been above 0 deg C (i.e., above 32 F) so everything is melting. We have had some warm days before, but it has gotten bad enough that they have had to create a network of small drainage ditches to keep the water from pooling up during the day. At night the standing water freezes up again.
Since we are all acclimated to colder temperatures, this is almost much T-Shirt weather. Problem is, that if the wind picks up or a cloud blocks the Sun temporarily, it feels much colder.
Since the weather was so nice and we were all anxiously awaiting the return of the Twin Otter, Will, Andreas, and I took a hike up Scott's Hut Ridge. This is a new hike that starts at Scott's Hut (see Andreas' earlier post on Scott's Hut for more information) and goes up near Arrival Heights, you get a not so flattering view of Mac-town from up there.
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